DnD Lorem Ipsum
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Ability drained abjuration base save bonus concentrate on a spell double weapon enhancement bonus gold piece ocean domain range penalty turned. Change shape chaos domain command word item dungeon master improved evasion inherent bonus knocked down scrying subschool trained transmutation.

Animal domain attack attack roll base attack bonus charm domain checked critical roll cure spell death attack difficult terrain disease elf domain evocation falling fear aura force damage gnome domain good domain magic domain melee attack natural weapon one-handed weapon panicked party plant domain retribution domain shaken water domain.

Ability druid engaged improved evasion negative energy plane positive energy plane silver piece spell descriptor spell domain thirst. Ability ability drain animal type armor bonus astral plane calling subschool critical hit divine spell domain spell end of round energy damage ethereal evil domain level loss modifier nobility domain rend repose domain spell descriptor spell domain subject transmutation unconscious water subtype.

Concealment energy plane evil subtype falling fey type good domain magical beast type modifier regeneration scry sonic attack take 10 turning damage use-activated item. Abjuration aquatic subtype bard base attack bonus cleric conjuration disease electrum ethereal extraordinary ability fighter humanoid type inherent bonus level level loss moon domain positive energy plane psionics ranged weapon renewal domain school of magic size splash weapon take 10 telepathy temporary hit points trample unarmed strike undead type water domain.